Trevor George, Hotwells, Bristol, UK.

Now retired, previously a Photographer and Web Designer from Hotwells, in Bristol, (UK)
I used to give give guitar and singing lessons to beginners, and also to older students as well.
Please email me at - - or preferably call: 0781 061 3399

My YouTube Video Channel -

My Facebook Profile -

My Busking songs-list - 

My DropBox Drone images - www.dropbox-images

Bristol Busking and Buskers info, (UK

 The Leather Centre, Bath
A website for the residents of Pooles Wharf Court, Hotwells, Bristol, UK, and for other local users
Pooles Wharf Court Housing Development, Bristol

Electric Bike and Scooter Conversions

The original Bristol Mod Scooter Club website I created, Bristol, UK
Bristol Mod Scooter Club original website